Just call me Jack.

Just call me Jack: Juggling diverse clients and requirements can be rewarding!

Just call me Jack: Juggling diverse clients and requirements can be rewarding!


For many years I considered myself a Jack of all trades. Master of none you might say? No more! Because in fact, this diversity is now bearing dividends as I focus on my own consultancy business. 

As a strategic marketeer, I always want to understand the vision behind the task that may have just landed on my desk. And having worked in sectors as diverse as automotive, financial markets, architecture, education - and now with rural entrepreneurs - insight into how a sector or service ticks; the language that resonates with each unique audience, and an understanding of human behaviour in very different environments - has helped me gauge the right approach for my clients.

Content needs to be written with the audience in mind, and an idea of what action (or reaction) you expect your reader to take having read it.

  • Is the intention to make them smile and think fondly about your shop or product? Hit ‘like’ and know that customer has remembered you today?

  • Do you want them to act: pop down and pick up that special offer, get in touch for more information; register or click ‘Buy Now’ on your website?

  • Or are you interested in the long game? Building a relationship based on trust and understanding that creates a bond beyond a single piece of content?

All three are completely valid. Different strategies work in difference circumstances. 

The point is that you’ve considered it. You understand your audience. And you know what success looks like for you.

Apparently being a generalist is making a comeback. We’re celebrating multipotentiality - people who pursue multiple goals and careers and embrace diversity. So while I don’t wish to juggle too many jobs at one go (quality not quantity is key), I certainly relish the opportunity to work with a very diverse range of businesses.

If you need help getting your marketing strategy on track let us know. We’re here to help, and most importantly to listen.


Finding your WHY.


Why is my cat more interesting than me?